Free Playtest: Starting Sunday, October 13

Want to try out Under the desert sun before it's released? Now's your chance! We're running free playtests on from October through December. That's right - free early access! Participants will receive the Player's Guide as a complimentary product with character art in development from Celestine Nox, a fantastic GM and artist!

Each play test is capped at 4 participants - and they are blocked for 4-6 hours. If you're not able to join the October 13th event, don't worry! You can join our November/December events for free as well! Your feedback will be incredibly helpful in polishing the final product in time for our Spring 2025 launch here on Itch!

Check out the event list below with registration links on - an account on SPG is required for access if you do not already have one.

Dates/times may be adjusted prior to each event based on Player availability, but that's the scheduled runtime as of today! We hope to see you on SPG and in one of our play tests!


About JAY Games:

JAY Games - Just As Yourself  Games - is a game development company based in Chicago, Illinois that is committed to a safe, inclusive Play enviroment where anyone, regardless of experience, can enjoy a story. Players come with their imagination and bring just a playbook, a d6, and a d20. The Meddah, the game master, brings probability and rich storytelling without railroading Players with tactical combat rules or conceptual items. The rule of cool reigns supreme - but Players' safety is paramount, even if it violates the rule of cool. JAY Games's innagural release, Under the desert sun, is expected in Spring 2025 and is currently completing playtests on StartPlaying.Games. Inquiries can be directed to

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