Coming soon: Under the desert sun, a Qán adventure

5,000 years have passed since the rains left these once-fertile desert plains - Their sudden return has brought something altogether different to the Tarazian wastes... Something only spoken of in whispers and hushed tones. Do you have what it takes to learn the truth... and live to tell the tale?

JAY Games's innaugural release is an exciting, fast-paced one-shot TTRPG Play experience set on the Tarazian wastes, a desert continent rich with mystery, hope, and destruction. Using only 1 d20, 1 d6, and your imagination, you will play as one of four Archetypes to uncover one of two mysteries that plague the inhabitants of Kazgar. Each Archetype comes with its own full-color single-page playbook with only 4 questions to answer and a choice of a weapon or tool. Everything else is pre-determined - Just pick up a playbook, choose your preferred dice rolling system (online or IRL), and set out to learn the truth of the Qaytish - the Return... if you manage to live long enough to do so.

Under the desert sun is a Qán Adventure set in the fictional universe of the Realm of Kâshmar. It is intended to run as a one-shot Play experience using the JAY Games system - Just As Yourself - that minimizes all math, streamlines character development, and encourages rich storytelling and exploration. Under the desert sun, and all Qán Adventures, draw heavily from the rich culture of the Turkic world that provides a unique Play experience for both Players and the Meddah - the Game Manager of JAY Games. A meddah is a traditional Turkish storyteller known for their ability to play multiple roles and convey a story in an engaging manner to audiences (traditionally in coffeehouse-type settings). Just like the name suggests, the Meddah's purpose is to run an engaging story that includes high levels of roleplay and a two-part combat skirmish in the second half of the Play experience. Players will have a choice of two different story paths that lead to different plot outcomes, destinations, and Play level difficulty.

Under the desert sun will be released in Spring 2025 for purchase for both Players and Meddah alike. All artwork included in the Player's Pack and the Meddah's Pack are either commisioned or developed through subscription software and are not created using AI. Playtests have been underway  for two years and can also be found on StartPlaying.Games - where the sands of Taraz call to all like a siren's song.

About JAY Games:

JAY Games - Just As Yourself  Games - is a game development company based in Chicago, Illinois that is committed to a safe, inclusive Play enviroment where anyone, regardless of experience, can enjoy a story. Players come with their imagination and bring just a playbook, a d6, and a d20. The Meddah, the game master, brings probability and rich storytelling without railroading Players with tactical combat rules or conceptual items. The rule of cool reigns supreme - but Players' safety is paramount, even if it violates the rule of cool.

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